Small Wars Journal

21 November SWJ Roundup

Sun, 11/21/2010 - 11:39am

NATO Adopts Transition Plan for Afghan War - Washington Post

NATO Sets 2014 Target for Afghan Pullout - Los Angeles Times

NATO, U.N. Pledge to Back Afghan Security Lead by 2014 - AFPS

With Afghan Control by 2014, Obama Sees Combat End - Associated Press

Taliban Rejects 2014 Vows to Keep Fighting - Associated Press

Taliban: Afghan Withdrawal Timeline "Irrational" - Reuters

Gates Addresses Role in Afghanistan After Security Transition - AFPS

On TV, an Afghan Unit Tackles the Taliban - New York Times

NATO, Afghan Troops Kill 5 Insurgents in Attacks - Associated Press

Survey: Most Afghans in South Unaware of 2001 Terrorist Attacks on U.S. - VOA

Afghan Fraud Panel Disqualifies 19 Candidates - Associated Press

Afghan Election Watchdog Disqualifies 21 Winners - Reuters

Afghans Want Country Back, Americans Should Listen - Washington Post opinion


Pakistan Cautiously Backs NATO's Afghan Plans - Reuters

U.S. Seeks Expansion of Drone Operations in Pakistan - Voice of America

Pakistan Rejects U.S. Drone Expansion - Los Angeles Times

Suspected U.S. Missiles Kill 6 in NW Pakistan - Associated Press


New Iraqi Parliament Session Focuses on Procedure - Associated Press

A Killing Set Honor Above Love - New York Times

What We Must Do for Iraq Now - New York Times opinion


Court Date Postponed for American Hikers Held in Iran - Los Angeles Times

German Paper Rejects Spy Claim About Its Reporters - Associated Press

Ahmadinejad Urges Girls to Marry at 16 - Associated Press


NATO Sees Long-Term Role After Afghan Combat - New York Times

Strategic Concept Will Guide Alliance for Next Decade - AFPS

Obama Praises Acceptance of NATO's New Strategic Concept - AFPS

NATO-Russia Relations at 'Turning Point' - Voice of America

Russia to Aid NATO on Anti-missile Network in Europe - Washington Post

Summit Helps 'Reset' U.S.-Russia Relations, Obama Says - AFPS


Yemen: Qaeda Branch Aimed for Broad Damage at Low Cost - New York Times

Small-Scale Attacks to Continue, Al Qaeda Group Says - Reuters

Germany Seeks Suspects in Islamic Terrorist Plots - New York Times


International Warrant Issued for WikiLeaks Founder - Voice of America

Committee to Protect Journalists

Persecuted Journalists to Receive Awards for Their Work - VOA

U.S. Department of Defense

Marines as the Biggest Backer of DADT - Washington Post opinion

United States

START: The Democrats' Treaty Slump - New York Times

Europeans, Russia Urge U.S. Senate to Ratify START Treaty - Voice of America

Ex-Eastern Bloc Nations Tell U.S. Senate to Ratify New START - Washington Post

Gates Urges Ratification of U.S.-Russia Arms Treaty - AFPS

TSA Grants Airline Pilots an Exception to Screenings - New York Times

Clues to Stubborn Secret in CIA's Backyard - New York Times

The T.S. of A Takes Control - Washington Post opinion


Sudan's NCP Threatens to Reject Referendum Result - Reuters

Somalia: Mogadishu Mayor Sets Out to Rebuild the City - Washington Post

Army Storms Rebel Outpost in Madagascar - Reuters

Madagascar PM Says Mutiny Ends Without Bloodshed - Associated Press

Zambia Balances Chinese Investment, Workers' Resentment - New York Times

Official Campaigning Underway for Ivory Coast's Presidential Run-Off - VOA

Americas and Caribbean

Gates Visit Underscores Strong Relationship With Chile - AFPS

Gates Notes Value of Chile's Disaster Response Capabilities - AFPS

Health Care Officials in Haiti say Cholera Easily Treated - Voice of America

Cholera's Second Fever: An Urge to Blame - New York Times

Asia Pacific

Security Firm Says North Korea Building Reactor - Voice of America

North Koreans Unveil Vast New Plant for Nuclear Use - New York Times

U.S. Alert: North Korean Uranium Enrichment Program - Washington Post

U.S. Envoy In Asia Amid New North Korea Nuclear Concern - Reuters

Top U.S. Envoy on North Korea to Visit Asia - Associated Press

China's Billions Reap Rewards in Cambodia - Washington Post


No Sign of Imminent Militant Attack on German Reichstag - Associated Press

Irish Prime Minister Says Budget Plans Are Already in Place - New York Times

The Hunt for Jobs Sends the Irish Abroad, Again - New York Times

Russia's Dictatorship of Law - New York Times editorial

Middle East

Middle East Peace and Midterm Maneuvers - New York Times

Freeze Must Include Jerusalem, Abbas Says - Associated Press

Abbas: No Talks Without East Jerusalem Building Freeze - Reuters

Israel Troops Get Suspended Sentence on Gaza Abuse - Reuters

Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood Reports More Arrests - Voice of America

Rights Group Cautions Egypt on Election Harassment - Associated Press