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SWJ Staff

SWJ Staff searches the internet daily for articles and posts that we think are of great interests to our readers.

Recent Posts:

The Counterinsurgency Cliff Notes

04.28.2008 at 10:32pm

‘What’s Happening In Basra?’

04.27.2008 at 12:10am

The Birth of the Combined Explosives Exploitation Cell

04.20.2008 at 01:15pm

The Battle for Sadiya

04.18.2008 at 12:15pm

The Break Point: AQIZ Establishes the ISI in Zaganiayh

04.17.2008 at 10:26pm

Beyond Iraq and Afghanistan

04.17.2008 at 09:27am

Observations from a Year in the Sunni Triangle

04.14.2008 at 10:27pm

Winning the Ideological Battle for the Support of the Populace

04.14.2008 at 12:22am

Understanding Arab Culture

04.13.2008 at 11:40pm

Security Force Assistance Operations

03.28.2008 at 10:33pm

The Global Counter Insurgency

02.18.2008 at 05:31am