Small Wars Journal

SWJ Magazine Volume 9

Tue, 09/25/2007 - 11:10am
Volume 9 was published on 25 Sept 07. Volumes 1-8 are available in the back issues area.

Table of contents:


Discuss at SWC


Political Officer as Counter-Insurgent

Conducting Tactical Politics Against Insurgencies

by Dan Green


Discuss at SWC

America's First Cultural Battles:


Big Horn, Pearl Harbor, Mogadishu, and Nasiriyah

by LTC Thomas P.

Odom, US Army (ret.)


Discuss at SWC

Understanding Iran's Motivations in Iraq

The Cost

Calculus of External Support

by Ryan Carr


Discuss at SWC

Organizing for Counterinsurgency

at the

Company and Platoon Level

by Captain Jeremy

Gwinn, US Army


Discuss at SWC

Regaining Momentum in Stability Operations

by Maj Karl C. Rohr,


Some loose ends:

  • Appendices B-F for the Political Officer as Counter-Insurgent are still pending publication, as noted in the article.
  • Maybe we'll sexy the finished volume up with some pictures, maybe not. If we do, we'll post the revised edition online and will make a note of it.
  • We have many great articles hanging fire for publication. As we move to double digits for the next volume, we will now publish new articles one-at-a-time, when ready, online. We'll still put out volumes, but they'll be recaps +/- extras. Expect to see this change soon, along with some more new material. This new method will remove one of our several bottlenecks.