Small Wars Journal

Integrating Civilian and Military Concepts of Strategy

Fri, 04/15/2011 - 1:29pm
Towards a Comprehensive Approach: Integrating Civilian and Military Concepts of Strategy edited by Christopher M. Schnaubelt, NATO Defense College Forum Paper, March 2011.

Towards a Comprehensive Approach presents a wide range of ideas regarding the elements of strategy, its purpose, and how it should be developed. It is not intended to be a primer on strategy nor a comprehensive review of the topic. There is an extensive literature on military strategy and planning that is not duplicated or reviewed here. Instead, this volume highlights the differences and similarities between the approaches typically used by civilian organizations and the doctrinal methods of NATO and the militaries of its member states and partners, while presenting some ideas on how to bridge the gaps.

There is no single "best" way to address the complex security problems that NATO faces in the contemporary operational environment. Instead, developing mutual understanding to recognize where approaches overlap and where actors simply need to "agree to disagree" is the route most likely to produce practical improvements in the integration of civilian and military efforts. Appreciating the range of views and methods is the first step towards achieving a workable synthesis of them.

Integrating Civilian and Military Approaches to Strategy by Christopher M. Schnaubelt

The Persistent Problem of Civil Military Integration in War by Nadia Schadlow

The Illusions and Delusions of Smart Power by Christopher M. Schnaubelt

NATO's New Strategic Concept: An Integration of Civil and Military Approaches by Karl-Heinz Kamp

Strategy, Segmentation and Incrementalism: A Corporate Approach by Allen Burch

All for One and One for All?: Forging Development, Diplomatic and Defense Partnerships Under NATO's New Strategic Concept by Christopher A. Jennings

Interagency Challenges in Strategic Assessments by Kirk A. Johnson

Joint Strategic Planning in Iraq: Optimism is Not a Plan: Needed Changes for a Long War by Bradford R. Higgins

Towards a Comprehensive Approach: Integrating Civilian and Military Concepts of Strategy.