Small Wars Journal

America's Best Leaders 2009

Tue, 10/27/2009 - 6:16pm
America's Best Leaders 2009 - U.S. News & World Report. Here's the full list and a slideshow - what follows are five of particular interest to our community of practice.

Senior Noncommissioned Officers, Military: These soldiers are taking on increasing levels of responsibility in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Ray Odierno, U.S. General: The commander of U.S. forces in Iraq has been key in leading troops through harm's way.

Greg Mortenson, Philanthropist: Mortenson is furthering the cause of education, particularly for girls, in unstable countries.

Orrin Hatch, U.S. Senator: Hatch works to pass bipartisan legislation without compromising his core principles.

Eboo Patel, Activist: Patel is the founder of a national movement promoting interfaith religious cooperation.

America's Best Leaders 2009 - U.S. News & World Report.


To be fair, though, junior officers won the award in last year's USNWR cause we're trendy like that ;)